AVF research and case studies

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2016 AVF white paper

In september 2016, AVF released a 96 pages long white paper about the state of the industry. Click on this link to claim it

AVF workshop case studies

The AVF hosts workshops all around the world and when possible we collect all the information in co-created case studies.

Read the extensive Summary of the Workshops during the AVF-summit 2016 in Amsterdam – click here. The workshop case was about the application of circular economy principles in a fictive vertical farming village called “AVF-town”.

Studies by the German Aerospace Center

In 2014 the German Aerospace Center produced a research paper about a 37 story high Vertical Farming skyscraper. It brought the Vertical Farming movement to the next level. Find it via this link.

As you can see in the video on the left, AVF and DLR worked together to create a sequel on this study. We will get it here for you as soon as possible.